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Judge’s Boxes

Judge’s Boxes


Exciting news for our TTHC 2024 judges! Your official Judge’s Boxes will be shipped out on September 23rd. Each box will include:

  • Official TTHC 2024 Flower Samples: Experience and evaluate the finest entries.
  • A FREE TICKET to the Event!
  • GRAV Piece: Enjoy a premium piece from GRAV, specially included for our judges.
  • SC Labs Judging Guide: Navigate the judging process with expertise using our guide from SC Labs.
  • Keepsake Judge’s Form: Fill out your scores on this form and keep it as a memento. Official scores will be entered into our judge’s portal.
  • And More!: Discover additional surprises from our sponsors.

This year marks a historic moment for TTHC as we partner with SC Labs to elevate the judging process. With an updated judging rubric designed to serve a more mature Texas cannabis market and consumer, we are setting new standards in cannabis evaluation. Our collaboration with SC Labs ensures that every aspect of the judging process is thorough, accurate, and reflective of the evolving industry.

Get ready to dive into an extraordinary judging experience and be part of something special!

Quantities are limited to 100 boxes