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Platinum Sponsor

Platinum Sponsor


High-level sponsorship with significant benefits:

  • Brand Placement: Secondary billing on select marketing materials, including the press release.
  • Signage: Your logo on secondary stages and secondary placement on on-site signage.
  • Digital Promotion: Logo and link on the sponsor page of the event website and mentions in select emails + tagging on all social content.
  • Special Access: Exclusive access to the Terpene Ball & sponsor brunch with a speaking opportunity at both events. VIP access throughout both events. 6 VIP Passes.
  • Additional Benefits: Priority choice of 10×20 exhibition space after Presenting Sponsor and opportunity to include items in the VIP Swag Bags (200) & Judges Kits (100).
  • Terpene Ball Bonus: 4 Passes, Special Sponsor Lounge, optional panel involvement.
  • On-Stage Award Presentation